There are less than 20 days left in Bush's Presidency and we are in a unique position to summarize it's impact. On one hand we now have sufficient hindsight bias to begin identifying many of the results of his administration, but have not yet "moved on" enough psychologically to cease to care. These results are pretty interesting.

- Number of days during his presidency that Bush spent on vacation (including partial days off): 916
- Proportion of U.S. workers who have no paid vacations or holidays at work: 1 in 4
- Date on which a FEMA report warned that Hurricane Katrina “could greatly overtop levees and protective systems” in New Orleans: 8/27/2005
- Date of a second awarning, from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, that Katrina would “likely lead to severe flooding and/or levee breaching”: 8/29/2005
- Date that President Bush told ABC “I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees.”: 9/1/2005
- Cost of the Iraq War through 2008: $567 billion
- Proportion of U.S. public schools that are failing to meet No Child Left Behind standards: 2 out of 5
- Change in the number of children with health coverage during President Bush’s tenure: -78,000
- Percentage of President Bush’s total vetoes that blocked expansion of children’s health insurance: 20%
- Date President Bush signed legislation phasing out the federal estate tax: 6/7/2001
- Increase in the number of U.S. millionaires since that year: 928,000
- Increase in the number of Americans living in poverty since that year: 4.4 million
- Change in the real median income of non-retiree households since 2000: -$2,010
- Estimated home equity lost by American families with the bursting of the housing bubble: $4 trillion

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