Let's call Obama's inauguration what it really is, The Ultimate "I-Told-You-So" Moment.
For Obama, for those who reject the Bush Doctrine, for those who realize that the USA is not ONLY for Anglo-White-Christians, for those who realize that the world isn't ONLY the USA, and for those who realize the importance of striving for true equality; this is the time we all get to look into the eye's of the narrow-minded bigots who tried to stifle our progress along our ways, and we all get to say, "see?.. I told you so! ...stupid."
After that the only tough choice is whether we laugh in their faces, or just shake our heads at them in disapproval.
...and once we've all gotten that out of our systems, we should realize that we need to be bigger than that. We need to take a deep breath, turn to the person we've just extacted our revenge upon and ask their forgiveness for our transgression against them.
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