Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Staggering Irony

The latest reports coming out of Iraq right now are that Muntader al-Zaidi, the Iraqi Journalist who threw his shoes at George W. Bush, has been beaten while in custody.

Is anyone surprised that the country who learned Democracy from the U.S. is beating/torturing their detainees?

This kind of reminds me of those anti-drug commercials from the late 1980’s. The ones where the dad finds his adolescent son’s marijuana stash and demands to know where he picked it up, and the kid responds back angrily “I learned it by watching YOU!” (click the image to watch)

Yeah, it’s kinda like that.


Sunday, December 14, 2008

Glenn Greenwald Makes it Very Very Clear

It's one thing to do something important in your field of expertise. Its entirely another thing to succinctly and concisely explain it so the rest of us can understand.

Glenn Greenwald just explained why it is important that we hold our senior political officials accountable for their actions, and do not allow anyone to be above the 'Rule of Law'. Bill Moyers could have asked a couple better follow up questions (like "exactly which laws did Bush break and how do we know that?"), but this interview absolutely moved me. I hope you all watch it. (click the image to watch)

You can also catch Glenn on his regular Blog on Salon.com

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Solution to Same-Sex Marriage Issue

Start a religion, and make it a religious practice. I know, its not perfect because, what if someone wants to marry their same-sex partner and be Christian (for example)? But maybe its a step in the right direction. Hear me out...

What if there was a religion that was recognized by United States government (just like Christianity, Mormonism, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and many many others), and this religion allowed same-sex couples to marry? Just because the Christian Church (again, for example) doesn't allow same-sex marriage, doesn't mean this hypothetical religion's church would. So, wouldn't it be an infringement on this religion's followers' Freedom of Religion if we legislated against same-sex marriage?

We should be conscious of how the
Separation of Church and State is designed to prevent the laws of religion from dictating the laws of man. That was important to the 'founding fathers' because this country was founded by people attempting to escape, amongst other things, forced religious practices.

Today is the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights . Does that mean that anyone who is still denied rights that the rest of us are granted is simply not "human"?

Stewart v Huckabee (Equality v Prejudice)

This post extends the discussion from the post 'The Next Frontier in Freedom'.

Comedian Jon Stewart and Southern Baptist Minister come Politician Mike Huckabee discussed the the contentious issue of same-sex marriage on Jon Stewart's cable program, The Daily Show. WATCH IT HERE. This was a fair and polite debate. However, no matter how much shuckin' and jivin' Mike Huckabee did, he couldn't escape the lack of logic in his argument. And Jon Stewart really posed a good line of reasoning.

I want to re-iterate a point from 'The Next Frontier in Freedom', and continue its line of reasoning:
  • If you state out-loud that there are rights that a man should have the a woman should not, you're a sexist.
  • If you state out-loud that there are rights that a White person should have that a Black person should not, you're a racist.
  • So why is it ok to state out-loud (and to legislate) that there are some rights that a Straight person should have that a Gay person should not?

Doesnt that make you a "Gayist"? Or is that just another form of sexism? And if it is just another form of sexism, why is it ok? Is it that for some reason religious context makes this, and only this, form of sexism ok, while its not ok in any other form? Isn't that the definition of inequality? By the way, inequality is UNCONSTITUTIONAL, because the Declaration of Independance states, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal".

Friday, December 5, 2008

If I Could Fight One Pundit, it would be...

Tucker Carlson. Always has been him, probably always will be him. Tucker is a true DoucheBag. However, I have to give him credit. Today as an Analyst discussing the potential Automotive industry 'bailout' on MSNBC, Tucker said something smart. He made a very good analogy. I'm not saying I agree with his point, but the analogy itself was well put and worth noting.

Tucker said, "
Capitalism without failure is like Religion without sin"
(11:15 into the clip)

So, to give credit where credit is due:

Tucker, well said.

Ok, its done. Now I can go back to wanting to kick his ass

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I know how Obama will pay for the bailout

OK seriously...
Getting an email from a candidate soliciting campaign contributions is one thing, but getting an email from your president-elect trying to hock beanies is just profiteering. Tacky anyone?
Wearing clothing to support a candidate has some merit. You're helping them to raise awareness and get votes. But wearing the name (or personal logo) of an elected public official is just weird and kind of obsessive. I mean, you won already man. Move on!

PS. Just because I voted for Obama, and do believe he's the right guy for the job, doesn't mean he get's a blank-check to do whatever he wants. I'll call "Shenanigans" on him too. I am holding Obama to the same standards that I hold all of our public officials (the same ones Bush failed to live up to - incurring my sharp disapproval).

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Shameful Propoganda Continues

Like a good American Consumer, I went to the movies over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. During the 20+minutes of pre-show commercials (which began running when the movie was advertised to start), there was another addition to the Shameful Propaganda campaign from the Army National Guard. This time the role of Kid Rock was played by the Army's new butt-boys, pop/rock band "Three Doors Down", playing their new hit single "Citizen/Soldier".


White House Changes Tune

The George W. Bush Administration has been playing the blame game since day 1. Its all been about politicking and pointing the finger (and sometimes the gun) at everyone else. Even Karl Rove said the Bush Administration maintained a "Constant Campaign".

The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) announced today that their research indicates that the current economic recession actually began in December of 2007.

Given that the recession began seven years into "Dubya's" stewardship of our economy, its pretty hard to blame any other leadership for this one.
Suddenly, White House Press Secretary Tony Fratto is sounding like Chris Tucker in the Movie "Friday" with the political equivalent of "Why you gotta bring up old shit? We're in this together, dog."

"What's important is what is being done about it," Fratto said. "The most important things we can do for the economy right now are to return the financial and credit markets to normal, and to continue to make progress in housing, and that's where we'll continue to focus."